All About !Dope Bald Chick!

Hello there Baldie or Baddie or Both

Welcome to !Dope Bald Chick! Welcome to your safe space. My name is Nichole and I would love to tell you a tad about me and my experience with hair loss.

It began years ago after I cut my locs off when I turned 30. I noticed my hair thinning in my crown; well actually I didn't notice it initially a stylist of mine did. She was twisting my hair and asked a peculiar question "are you on any medications" I said no and she said "your hair is a little thin up here right in the crown; the rest of it is very full but this part right here...hmmmm" She went on to say that some medications can cause thinning of the hair and I reassured her that I did not take any meds and she continued twisting me up and I thought nothing of it until recently as in a few years ago recently. I just happened to look in the mirror at the back of my head while I was doing something totally unrelated to my hair and said WTF!!! I could literally see thinning and a shiny patch where there was not a hair to be seen. I was shocked and sad. 

Fast forward to the last 2 years and the dreaded "C" word as in COVID. Mind you this was post my Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia, CCCA for short, diagnosis from my dermatologist, researching via YouTube-Iversity and trying concoctions/serums to make my hair grow. Nothing was working and I got super frustrated so I just shaved my hair off one night. It wasn't anything that I planned I just did it. And I haven't looked back!

And there you have it! That's my story. Yes I know it doesn't seem that bad when you put it on paper but for anyone going through it themselves you know how devastating it can be. Our hair is our shining glory right? We grew up thinking our hair was something that defined our beauty right? Long, luscious locs right? Well that is not everyone's journey. I can honestly say that I have never really struggled in the confidence area but when I shaved my head I was like am I ready to face the world like this? With no hair?

As time went on I embraced my new look and decided that I wanted to encourage others with similar journeys to realize that you are not your hair. You are so much more!

Sincerely Yours,

Nichole...that !Dope Bald Chick!